Frequently Asked Questions

Who owns the Twin Cities CHW Hub?

The Twin Cities CHW Hub is currently being developed as a neutral community-based care coordination network of CHW providers, resource and referral partners, and payers/funders providing wraparound social determinants of health and clinical services.

What is the relationship between the Twin Cities CHW Hub and Pillsbury United Communities (PUC)?

Pillsbury United Communities is currently incubating and supporting the development and implementation of TCCHW Hub in a collaborative process until the TCCHW Hub data infrastructure and leadership structure is established enough to allow independency. Pillsbury has selected not to tap in the outcome-based payment system at this time to ensure neutrality.

What is the role of MN CHW Alliance in the Twin Cities CHW Hub?

MN CHW Alliance has supported the planning and development phase of the Twin Cities CHW Hub as a subject. The Alliance’s Legislative Action Committee, CHW Circle, and CHW Education and Training workgroup have been instrumental spaces for progressing the Twin Cities CHW Hub initiative.

My agency provides wrap-around services for cultural communities. How can we be part of the Twin Cities CHW Hub?

The TCCHW Hub is actively working on a capacity-building opportunities and workforce development plan for engaging with agencies that are employing non-certified CHW or similar position interested in either hiring a new CHW or supporting current staff to go through a certification program. TCCHW Hub seeks to collaborate with these agencies in near future as CHW employers.

Who can sign on as a referral partner? What is a referral partner responsible for?

Referral partners are partners which can refer clients to the hub for CHW services. They will enter into a Referral Partner agreement. Referral partners include health system partners, county agencies (including county jails and libraries), community or faith-based agencies, and virtually any agency that has clients that needs unmet health and social service needs met in which the TCCHW Hub can assign a CHW.

Who owns the data gathered by the Twin Cities CHW Hub?

The data gathered by the Twin Cities CHW Hub will be accessible for all network and community partners. This data is categorically used for tracking, billing, quality improvement, long-term and short-term reporting. Network partners will be able to access real-time data to meet the needs of their client and to achieve organizational needs. The TCCHW Hub will perform reports for partners to use for community needs assessments and quality improvement.

What does value-based payment mean for workers? Will community health workers payments be tied to reaching particular outcomes?

Community Health Workers base payment will not be tied to outcomes. The outcome-based, value-based, payment system is a payment structure model for organizations to bill for outcome of services. Employees will be paid fair and livable wages for work performed according to job description and hours. Additionally, TC CHW Hub is working to build in incentive dollars for specific goals reached in spirit of the value-based payment system.